Asset Development We provide full technical and commercial support for the development of your energy asset from appraisal stage up to handover to operations.
Our services include:
Design and optimization of surface facilities and pipeline network
Feasibility studies of development options for Oil and Gas fields
Modelling of Capex and Opex for different energy assets with risk analysis
Flow Assurance studies
Preparation of procedures and tools to ensure operations readiness
Design of automated control systems
Support for Commissioning and start up
Asset Integrity We provide full technical and commercial support to enhance the integrity of your energy asset during development and production phases.
Our services include:
Development of asset integrity strategies and inspection plans
Design of cathodic protection systems
Design of customized inspection management tools
Quantitative Corrosion Risk Assessment (CRA)
Quantitative HSE Risk Assessment
Computational Fluid Dynamics studies for HSE integrity
Asset Performance We provide full technical and commercial support to sustain the performance of your energy asset during the production phase.
Our services include:
Integrated production modeling (reservoir, wells, surface facilities, pipelines, export)
Brownfields revamping studies
Debottlenecking studies to enhance the field productivity
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) studies for fields in operations